


Events for 2025
Build your confidence ~ Improve your skills ~ Increase your knowledge ~ Be inspired
I am very excited to be collaborating with Jekka’s Herbs on two events at Jekka’s Herb Farm near Bristol (more below). My event schedule has a slightly different focus this year as I will be launching my Midlife Magic Membership later this year and have some other events in the pipeline, along with being booked in for some private / business teaching events, workshops and talks. Do sign up to my newsletter to hear about the latest developments!
Jekka’s Medicinal Herb Days, 4th and 5th April 2025
Jekka’s Herb Farm
Each day will run from 9 am – 4 pm with talks (one of which I will be presenting), Jekka’s Herbetum tours, stalls and food available. Tickets are priced at £25 per ticket for an adult.
Visiting Jekka’s Herb Farm is really special and this is going to be a wonderful medicinal herb focused immersion day – from growing to harvesting, to cooking, nourishing, nurturing and treating! All with the power of plants. And you even have the option to purchase some vibrant and luscious plants from Jekka’s Herb Farm too! Click here for more information.
Hayfever Power Hour, 10th April 2025
Love spring, love summer and hate hayfever?
There is so much you can do to reduce symptoms and improve your quality of life in the hayfever season.
This power-hour is all about empowering you so that you don’t feel at the mercy of pollen! Whether your hayfever season is short or long, mild or intense, there are steps you can take to help reduce the symptoms and to lessen the severity of your response over time.
In the short term there are a number of natural products, from free herbs, to herbal products and supplements, which can improve symptoms. There is also seasonal preparation which can really help, along with dietary adaptions. Understanding the role of histamine in hayfever is particularly useful too. In the longer term, it is all about improving our gut microbiome and integrity, as our allergy response is closely linked to our gut health and there is so much research out there now to prove this.
Come along to:
- Learn about powerful plants, which are easily accessible and free, which you can make into herbal teas
- Learn more about 8 specific herbs and choose ones to best suit your needs from this list
- Find out what my favourite ‘off the shelf’ herbal hayfever products and supplements are
- Explore the role of histamine in hayfever so that you can better navigate the season
- Get an understanding of how best to support your gut microbiome, so that you can work on longer term improvements for lasting results
- Gain access to my hayfever support herbal tea blends and a 10% discount code for top product recommendations
To book please click here.
Medicinal Herbs for Stress & Anxiety Master Class @ Jekka’s, 16th May 2025
Develop a deeper understanding of key herbs, which you can grow, that support the nervous system and stress response. Learn how to combine these herbs to make effective remedies, in the form of teas and tinctures and create your own bespoke tincture blend to take away with you.
This Master Class will include a Herbetum tour, focusing specifically on herbs which can support us through stress and anxiety. You will get to meet the plants, see how they grow and consider what their therapeutic indications and actions are. You will learn how to blend different herbs together to make a remedy that is specific for you or a family member’s needs. We will discuss dosages, along with any possible contra-indications and when it’s most appropriate to seek professional advice.
During the afternoon you will have the opportunity to make your own bespoke tincture, from the knowledge you will have gained in the morning session. You will get to write your own formulation and harvest the herbs you require to create your bespoke tincture blend. This hands-on workshop will give you the practical skills to make tinctures and includes Bee’s top tincture making tips.
Handouts will be provided covering approximately 15 herbs, which provide space for personalisation. These will provide you with a great reference tool and memory jogger, enabling you to make more of your own herbal tinctures.
For more information and to book, please click here.
Feedback from previous events:
Learn how you can proactively make changes to your lifestyle to improve your health – whether it be via the food you eat or the medicine chest at your feet! Every positive change you make will have a ripple effect – like a pebble thrown into a still pond.
If you belong to a local group or club and are interested in an engaging, information rich and practical session about health, wellbeing and the environment please get in touch. Talks are tailored specifically to the interests of the group – from WIs through to gardening clubs and specific health groups.
Bee has delivered talks to a large variety of groups over the years, including school children, students, specific interest groups, businesses, WIs, Probus Clubs and U3A.
I am passionate about getting folk outside in nature. Reconnecting with our beautiful plant allies and the earth. I love leading walks – whether their primary focus is on foods or medicines, or even basic plant identification.
When we go outside and do a spot of foraging not only do we increase the diversity of our diet (just think your average western person’s diet consists of approximately just 30 foods!) but we get outside into daylight (a chance to produce some Vitamin D), the light spectrum helps our moods, and healthy outdoor air can even provide us with a dose of probiotics dispensed by the soil beneath our feet!
A lot of our common wild plants are also powerful medicines – you will never look at a ‘weed’ in the same way again! Learning about wild medicines can also encourage health autonomy as there are many herbs which can be used to enhance health and treat basic illnesses.
Immersing ourselves in nature encourages mindfulness and is a beautiful reminder that we are part of something bigger and that we are all interconnected. We engage our senses (smell, sounds, sight, touch and even taste) and become more alive and present.
Walks are scheduled through the year, please look at my events page for future dates.
If you are part of a club or group that is interested in a walk do get in touch. Walks usually last 1½ to 2 hours and a range of habitats can be covered – locations and areas of interest can be accommodated for. Call to discuss.
Workshops are a great way of getting hands on and learning experientially. Often you get to go home with something you have helped create and make!
If you are interested in a workshop for a group, please get in touch. Workshops can focus on everything from cooking with foraged foods, ointment making, to vinegars, tinctures, syrups, aromatic bath salts and more!
Options include, but are not limited to:
- Balms and ointments – these usually have a seasonal focus, in order to maximise fresh available plant material
- Children’s workshops (aged 5+) – look, smell, explore; lotions and potions; nettles galore!
- Getting ahead of the coughs and colds season – ideal for the autumn
- Kitchen cupboard medicine – not just food…
- Syrups and cordials
Previous Events
I have worked with charities and businesses like the Wildlife Trust and Fordhall Organic Farm, along with fermenters, chefs and special interest groups like gardening groups, WIs and children. Delivering information in a fun informative way and encouraging reconnection through sensory exploration is the name of the game!
Click here to explore some of the previous events I have led.