07711 539 488


We are part of nature, whole and complete, but there are times when we can lose our sense of direction and connection. We can find that our health deteriorates and we are no longer in the flow, if left unchecked we may find that it leads on to a diagnosable medical condition developing. Our body works hard to let us know when all is not well. If you feel your health or wellbeing is deteriorating, but can’t quite put your finger on what is going on, or have a medical diagnosis and would like support, then do explore how you may like to work with me, via the below. I offer online appointments to individuals based in the UK (if appropriate) and in-person appointments from my clinic in Whitchurch, Shropshire.


Work with me

A 1-2-1 approach puts you at the centre, treating you as the unique individual you really are. We are complex individuals, where our state of health is determined by the interplay of how we engage with the world, our overall lifestyles, along with our diets. I am trained in the same diagnostic skills as orthodox doctors; however, my approach is holistic and recognises the complex interplay between various bodily systems, along with the mind and spirit. My aim is to treat the underlying case of the dis-ease, not just the symptoms. This involves getting a deep understanding of what is going on at the moment, along with information on your overall health. All the pieces of the puzzle are laid out and frequently patterns emerge, leading to a better understanding of what is going on.

Over the years I have witnessed time and time again the shift that occurs when we move from the stuck state of feeling like we are a victim of a disease or a situation, to understanding the nature of the disease or situation. This allows us to step back and engage with it in a different way.  Our state of mind has a huge impact on our health and this is something we can actively explore together.  By deepening into our understanding of how our reality is created and recognising when we are getting in our own way, we naturally shift towards a space that is freer and more in the flow.  By really seeing things from a fresh perspective and our experience of life becomes lighter and more joyous.

There is no definitive list of conditions I treat – I treat individuals! The underlying cause behind one person having high blood pressure may be different from another. The same applies to chronic respiratory complaints, digestive disorders – from grumbling gallbladders to IBS, skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis, depression and perimenopausal struggles.

Education is key – an important part of my approach is explaining what is going on your body. When you understand what is likely to be going on and why certain recommendations are being made then you can understand why it’s important to embrace the changes that have been recommended. Changes I recommend are tailored around you – my aim is to make them realistic, achievable and measurable. Once size doesn’t fit all.

There are three main support packages that I offer:

  • Herbal Help – a focus on herbal medicine, lifestyle and nutrition, with three appointments and herbs for a 9 week period
  • Transformational Wellbeing – focuses on reconnecting with your innate mental health and wellbeing, in a way that enables you to live in a state of more harmonious flow, feel less encumbered and experience a greater sense of wellbeing, lightness and joy – all from the inside-out! Four lengthier appointments, spaced at intervals to suit
  • The Whole of You – includes transformative wellbeing, along with a focus on herbal medicine, lifestyle and nutrition. This package includes 4 lengthier appointments and herbs for a 12 week period.  You get the best of both!

Please note my next availability to work with a new client is in April 2025.

Herbal Help

This 9 week package focuses on supporting you with natural medicine in the forms of nutrition, lifestyle, supplements, herbal medicine and flower remedies to help shift and restore balance. 

We will delve into the nature of how your body is functioning, by getting a comprehensive understanding of how your body is ‘performing’ – from the detail of what led you to consult with me, through to understanding how well your different bodily systems are functioning, along with your innate constitution and any constitutional imbalances you may be experiencing.

It includes:

  • An in-depth initial appointment (up to 1.5 hours)
  • A detailed and personalised treatment plan
  • 2 additional appointments to review progress and make any required adjustments.
  • Herbal medicines specific to your needs and adjusted over the package period

The package price, including any herbal medicines which are dispensed is £485 for the full 9 week period.  Full payment is due one week prior to your first appointment, alternatively the package is payable in two installments.  If you still require support at the end of this package period we will take things on a step by step basis.    

Transformational Wellbeing

Transformational wellbeing is centred around understanding how our ‘psychological immune system’ works.  We all have access to innate wellbeing – sometimes we are just very good at getting in our own way!

Through deep listening you will be gently pointed back to your own innate wellbeing and inner wisdom.  The Well where calm, a sense of lightness and joyfulness, and a sense of deep peace are our natural state of Being.  The best bit is that we have access to this Well regardless of what is going on outside!

This package includes:

  • 3 listening sessions, which are each 1.5 hours
  • Follow up emails with additional resource recommendations tailored to you
  • A one hour listening and review session to round off the programme
  • The programme is paced to suit your needs and where you are at – the 4 sessions are usually spread out over anything from a 3 month period, up to 6 months
  • Free access to attend group zoom sessions to check in and touch base, with a focus on innate wellbeing and the inside-out understanding. You will be invited to attend sessions, which are held every 2-3 months after your first two appointments, and have free access to these for 12 months

The full package price is £465.  Full payment is due one week prior to your first appointment or via a payment plan upon agreement.

The Whole of You

This is a 12 week support package combines the power of bespoke herbal medicines, with transformational work, which is facilitated via deep listening.  You get to see from a fresh perspective how you create your reality and how your thinking can help or hinder.  We will explore your innate wellbeing and ‘psychological immune system’, which is always working in the background in your favour, but can feel out of reach at times. By being supported to tap back in to your own well of inner wisdom, fresh insights and an increased awareness of where you are operating from may occur, which can lead to  powerful and profound shifts.  These naturally result in a positive shift in your overall wellbeing, which combined with the power of herbs, tailored nutritional and lifestyle recommendations can provide lasting results.

This package includes:

  • 3 herbal medicine and deep listening sessions – each up to 2 hours long
  • A detailed and personalised treatment plan as an outcome of your first appointment
  • Herbal medicines, which are formulated for your own individual needs and adjusted as required for the full 12 week period
  • A listening and review session towards the end of the 12 weeks
  • Free access to attend group zoom sessions to check in and touch base, with a focus on innate wellbeing and the inside-out understanding for 12 months following the start of your programme (sessions are generally held every 2-3 months).

The full package price is £785.  Full payment is due one week prior to your first appointment or via a payment plan upon agreement.  If you still require support at the end of this package period we will take things on a step by step basis.


Feedback from a mum who consulted Bee with her young son:

“He’s almost there – I’m just giving him one dose of the tonic now, as that seems to be enough to keep him regular, as he is eating so much better now. He has regained all of the lost weight. He started school this week and was not anxious at all! ? Thanks so much for all of you help. The tonic has improved his (and my) quality of life so much. “

Digestive Improvement

One week after seeing Bee and implementing dietary recommendations and taking a bespoke herbal medicine:
“Things are certainly settling down guts-wise. Bloating has been greatly reduced, and there has been only minimal and brief episodes of minor pain on the lower right hand side. Bowel movements are more regular. I feel less tired, which is always welcome… I feel that my bladder is beginning to empty more efficiently and am now only getting up to go to the loo once at night, which might account for the increase in energy levels.”

From mum with newborn

“I’m a new mum to a now 4 month old baby. I had my first consultation with Bee after my GP and the medication I was prescribed were unhelpful for a persistent infection that was impacting breastfeeding. Bee’s thorough and holistic approach was extremely reassuring and she was able to provide a herbal tincture and advice on supplements that helped to ensure my recovery.”

Herbal help and transformational wellbeing support

“I really value Bee’s holistic approach.  She has prescribed  tailored herbal medicines, and also advised on diet, lifestyle and stress management.  This has transformed my health and well being .  I’m very grateful for her advice and support.”
EJ – 2025

Herbal help and transformational wellbeing support

“I feel very fortunate to have found Bee because with her care, knowledge and professionalism I am truly on the mend. A combination of UTI’s due to a stage 3 prolapse, stressful situations affecting my mental health and retiring my business after 47years left me with very little ‘in the tank’. After curating a healing plan for me I can honestly say I’m back to feeling well again.
Thank you so much Bee.”
KH – 2025

Transformational wellbeing support
“I met Bee with the intention of asking her to support me with herbs to manage several physical symptoms. However, Bee quickly sensed that I might benefit from something deeper, and she suggested we try a  “deep listening approach”.  I was not sure what she meant but agreed to try. The session enabled me pause, reflect and look inward to feel and explore my own inner wisdom.  I was supported to go slow, take my time, and allow insights to evolve.  I found this very helpful and calming helping me to put many of the issues and challenges I was facing into perspective.
Bee is a lovely person to work with at both a physical and mental/emotional health level. She is kind, compassionate and completely nonjudgmental allowing her deep listening approach to create a safe environment to explore any issues that arise.”
TV – 2024

Please note my next availability to work with a new client is in April 2025.

Follow-up appointments

If you are a registered client and wish to book a follow-up appointment please click here.


Any information that you share with me is treated in the strictest of confidence. I work to the highest standards of practice and in accordance with GDPR. I am a member of theNational Institute of Medical Herbalists (NIMH)and abide by their strict code of ethics.